Trust and confidence takes years to build but only 15 minutes to destroy. These words ring true more than ever today. It only took US treasury secretary Hank Paulson 15 seconds to set the entire modern Western society back to stone age when he rejected the plea to save Lehman Brothers. In less than a month, $10 trillion wealth wiped out, all independent US investment banks gone, Iceland brought to the brink of bankrupcy -- the world financial system, as we have known for decades, has disappeared forever. A Summer subprime blue turns into a rout of global markets. For the last few days, never before have I seen people so panic so horrified. We may never know the true cost of Lehman's chapter 11 filing, but $700Billion doesn't even begin to round the tab. Once again, I am where I was 10 years ago. Perhaps I have chosen a wrong path, perhaps I need more patience. |
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