Have you watched small childre playing with toys?They try to hold on to as many toys as they can so the other kids won't get them .But the theycan't run around and play .They even fall down because their hands are so full .Yes,lf they would only let go of some of the toys,they'd be free to run and enjoy themselves. Interestingly,we adults do that too .We have things in our lift that we love because they're fun .We may not be truly addicted to them but we're not sure that we want to let go of them .we're afraid that we won't be happy and enjoy life without these things .sometimes we're not even sure if we are strong enough to make it whithout them . It may be a relationship with someone that you know is a woyng relationship .but you love being with the person .And even though you know they;re holding you back from doing what's right and getting on with you life,you just can't make yourself break up with them . You see,no matter what it is,those things you're holding on to will never completely satisfy you finally let go of them and grad the best there is in life . |
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